Our students are exposed to an environment that challenges them to think critically. To apply critical thinking skills both inside and outside of the classroom and to engage meaningfully with local and global matters.
We are authorised to offer the Primary Years Programme of the International Baccalaureate since March 2020. The PYP has unique features which include:
a quest to inspire learning throughout life marked by enthusiasm and empathy
academic achievement across a broad and balanced range of knowledge disciplines, including languages, humanities, science and technology, mathematics, and the arts
development of an open-minded, intercultural mindset
emphasis on transdisciplinary learning across traditionally divergent disciplines
focus on educating well-rounded individuals with character, who respond to challenge with optimism and resilience
platforms for individual and collaborative research and project planning
a community service component requiring action and reflection

Extra curricular
As a school we are dedicated to helping students to discover and pursue their passions and to develop skills and interests in and out of the classroom. Our extra-curricular activities are aimed at students of all ages, after class. These activities are offered at an affordable price throughout the year. The activities' content is closely monitored and reviewed every year, with the objective to maintain a high quality level.
We offer chess, basketball, music, arts and crafts, drama, netball, baking and extra support in Mathematics and English. Thirty students from Benga Primary School, a neighbouring school, join us for any extra-curricular activities of their choice for free as part of our community outreach program
We offer the Spelling Bee, Swimming Gala, Math’s Bee, Family Bazaar, Sports Day, Arts/Culture Day as our social events on our school calendar. In addition, we hold the following academic events; parents’ orientation and curriculum conference, open lessons, parents- teacher conferences, the PYP exhibition and the PYP graduation.